Inspired by a reader who found the Right Ascension Theme and enjoyed listening to it on her Nook as she read the e-book, I thought I’d highlight the musical score that my good friend John Main created to accompany the novel. (You can find a synthesizer version and a guitar version at the link above.) John delivered a haunting score that mirrored the plot arc of Right Ascension: from the mystery surrounding the discovery of a new alien species, to the suspense and buildup as the story progressed, and the climactic showdown at the end.
Please feel free to listen using the player below or download it to listen on your computer or mp3 player — or even on your Kindle or Nook while you read the e-book version of Right Ascension. And please be sure to leave any comments you might have below — I’ll be sure to forward them on to John.
Original musical score composed by John F. Main ©
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