Please enjoy a few miscellaneous downloads that relate to the Right Ascension Universe…
The "Right Ascension Theme" (synthesizer version)
Original musical score composed by John F. Main ©
The "Right Ascension Theme" (guitar version)
Original musical score composed by John F. Main ©
Right Ascension Computer Icons
Here are a couple of folder icons I designed for my computer. I like to have custom folders so I can differentiate them at a glance. These are based on the “Colorflow” theme, and are designed to complement Mac OS X 10.6-style folder icons, but they can be used on any computer. Use them to store your Right Ascension and Declination eBooks!
Right-click here to download Mac icons and here to download Windows icons. Both sets are high-resolution, 512 x 512 pixels.
2 Responses to “Downloads”
Comments (2)
I purchased your ebook entitled “Find Free E-Books, Nook Tips, and How-To Guides” from Barnes & Noble for my Nook Color and only pages 1-24 and 122-148 download; I contacted their customer support and they had the same download problem. They said I would have to wait about 7 business days (roughly until Sept 7) to have this resolved, although they kept the money charged to my credit card. This is not a good start for my venture into ebooks, with their supposedly instantaneous availability via download. I have purchased many hard copy books via the internet and received them more quickly than this, even through the snail mail system.
Hi Fred, I just sent you an email attaching the ePub version of the e-book you were having trouble with, hopefully you have received it and that solves your problem. From the email I just sent:
I’m sorry to hear that you had a problem downloading the e-book from Barnes & Noble — this is the first I’ve heard of anyone having a problem with it.
Of course, I have no control over B&N’s payment system or e-book delivery systems. I make every effort to make sure the files I upload are properly formatted, and with no other complaints I hope it is a B&N issue and not a problem with the source file I uploaded to them.
Nonetheless, I have attached the e-book in ePub format for you, which you can upload to your Nook Color. Hopefully that should work for you and you can start reading right away (try that with paper books!). =) I apologize for the inconvenience.