I was pleasantly surprised to find a couple of nice mentions of my novels around the web today:
• Mark Coker, founder of the wonderful author service Smashwords, posted about Right Ascension as one of the first Smashwords books available on the iPad.
• Over at True/Slant, Roger Theriault gave his thoughts about the new iPad, and reading on it compared to his Kindle. He also expressed chagrin at some of the high prices traditional publishers are demanding for e-books. He said:
Publishers want readers to pay more – but the alternative is the library or a used bookstore. Or independent authors…
David Derrico’s sci-fi novels Right Ascension and Declination are both $0.99 in e-book format from Amazon or Apple. I’ve read the first and I’m working on the second novel. Both are excellent alternatives to expensive e-books. There are many self-published authors in various genres, both fiction and non-fiction, with affordable and highly readable e-books. I think established publishers are sinking their own ships (and their authors as well) with their pricing strategies.
Thanks for the mention, Roger, I’m glad you’re enjoying them!
2 Responses to “Around The Web: Smashing & Slanting”
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That’s awesome and what a compliment that he chose to highlight your novels! I like how Roger said, “I think established publishers are sinking their own ships (and their authors as well) with their pricing strategies.” Perfectly well-said.
Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment! I’m always interested to hear other people’s points of view on any of the topics I discuss.