More and more brands of e-book readers are showing up in more and more retail stores (such as Wal-Mart and Target) nationwide. This gives people who may be unfamiliar with e-book readers or the benefits of e-ink a chance to see one hands-on and understand what e-readers are all about. I’ve posted before about various e-readers becoming available in retail stores, but with the recent news that the Nook and Kobo E-Readers will soon be available at Wal-Mart, I’ve decided to make a summary post detailing when and where each of the popular e-readers are available. I’ll try to update this post with new info as it becomes available. I hope it’s useful.
(Links go to posts giving more info on that brand of e-reader. E-readers should be currently available at listed stores unless noted otherwise — but calling your particular store to double-check might be a good idea.)
- Kindle (latest versions are Kindle 3 for $189, Kindle 3 Wi-Fi for $139, and Kindle DX 2 for $379)
- Direct from
- Target
- Best Buy
- Staples
- UPDATE: Wal-Mart, as of May 5, 2011
- Nook (latest versions are Nook for $199, Nook Wi-Fi for $149, and Nook Color for $249)
- B&N bookstores or direct from Barnes &
- Wal-Mart
- Best Buy
- Books-A-Million
- iPad (latest versions range from $499 for 16 GB Wi-Fi to $829 for 64 GB 3G)
- Apple stores or direct from
- Wal-Mart
- Target
- Best Buy
- Sony Reader (latest versions are Pocket for $179, Touch for $229, and Daily for $299)
- Sony Style Stores or direct from
- Wal-Mart
- Target
- Best Buy
- Staples
- Office Depot
- Kobo E-Reader (latest version is Kobo Wireless for $139)
- Direct from
- Wal-Mart
- Borders bookstores
Of note, you can view and compare Kindles, Nooks, iPads, and Sony Readers at Best Buy, making it a good choice for a one-stop shop if you’re unsure which one you’d prefer. Most e-book readers are now available in most large retail stores: the notable exceptions being no Kindles at Wal-Mart and no Nooks at Target yet. [UPDATE: Kindles are now at Wal-Mart, which makes it an option for comparison shopping.] Please let me know in the comments if I’ve missed any large retail stores where these e-readers are available.